Social services on both sides of the borders

Social services on both sides of the borders

Social services on both sides of the borders is an ENPI-CBC project in years 2013-2014 in Republic of Karelia and North Karelia. North Karelian Society for Social Security develops various low-treshold and community-based service models with lead partner Uteshenie foundation and other partners.

You’ll find at these net-sites:

  • In English: general description of the project
  • In Finnish / suomeksi: Our working plan in Northern Karelia
  • Outputs/Tuotokset

SOCIAL SERVICES ON BOTH SIDES OF THE BORDERS is an ENPI-CBC project in years 2013-2014 in Republic of Karelia and North Karelia. North Karelian Society for Social Security develops various low-treshold and community-based service models with lead partner Uteshenie foundation and other partners.

Social services on both sides of the border (KA479)

More qualified, various and available social services to people in need in remote settlements in Republic of Karelia and North Karelia

Objective of the project:

To improve quality of life of people from disadvantaged groups (elderly people, families with children at risk and other disadvantaged groups) in districts with sparse population in the Republic of Karelia and North Karelia by improving access and availability of social support and developing sustainable practices and community-based models for care of people from disadvantaged groups and raising competences of various actors working with them in the target regions

Main activities:

1) Sociological base-line study of efficient operating models in low threshold approach services and on needs of beneficiaries, comparing results of the situation in RK and NK;
2) Development and piloting of low-threshold service models such as service centers, services on wheels or similar
3) Seminars for target groups in NK and RK
4) Development of educational courses for raising competence for social/welfare workers, students, volunteers; organization of practice activities for students, experience exchange
5) Collaboration model of learning and knowledge exchange between project partners
6) Study trips to NK and to RK for target groups.

Expected results:

1. Practices and models have been developed and tested/piloted in NK and 3 districts in RK and are ready to be disseminated for the whole region (NK and RK).
2. Competences of the actors to develop, implement and monitor social services on both sides of the border have been improved
3. Voluntary work/diaconia has increased
4. Accessibility for social services has been improved
5. Training/educational programmes and learning materials in increasing of awareness in issues in aging and family care and skills in developing the working models and methods have been developed and tested.
6. New multiprofessional and cross-sectoral learning environments and knowledge exchange in social services on both sides of the border have been created
7. Service accessibility through piloted low-threshold service models in RK (three pilot areas) and in NK has been promoted.


Charitable foundation “Uteshenie” (lead partner)
Ministry of health and social development of Republic of Karelia
Karelia University of Applied Sciences
North Karelian Society for Social Security
Institute for in-service Training in Education

Contact details:

Lead partner:
Foundation Uteshenie
Olga Shevchuk, tel/ +7 911 403 0887

Where the project can be found: (Russia)

SOCIAL SERVICES ON BOTH SIDES OF THE BORDERS on ENPI-CBC-rahoitteinen hanke, joka toteutetaan vuosina 2013-2014 Karjalan tasavallassa Venäjällä ja Pohjois-Karjalassa Suomessa. Pohjois-Karjalan Sosiaaliturvayhdistys kehittää matalan kynnyksen ja yhteisölähtöisiä palveluita.

Työohjelma Pohjois-Karjalan Sosiaaliturvayhdistyksen osalta:

1) Selvitys matalan kynnyksen palveluista, tiedon keruun tavoista ja ikääntyvien tarpeista. Ulkopuolinen asiantuntija.

2) Matalan kynnyksen palveluiden kehittäminen:

2.1. Ellinkulma, ikääntyvien keskus, Juuka. Maahanmuuttajien neuvonnan kehittäminen ja vapaaehtoisten kouluttaminen siihen. Kehittäjä.
2.2. Silta, maahanmuuttajatyön keskus, Joensuu. Matalan kynnyksen toimintojen kehittäminen erityisesti ikääntyville maahanmuuttajille sekä heidän osallistumisensa palveluiden suunnitteluun. Kehittäjä, kenttätyöntekijä.

3) Matalan kynnyksen toiminnan kehittäminen järjestöihin:

3.1. Yhteinen kehittämistyö paikallisten tai alueellisten järjestöjen kanssa (vähintään 4 järjestöä). Kehittäjä.
3.2. Opintomatka Petroskoihin. Kehittäjä.

4) Kansalais- ja järjestönäkökulma opetussuunnitelmiin. Toiminnanjohtaja.

5) Jelli-portaalin osien kääntäminen venäjäksi. Kehittäjän ja Jellin tekijät.


Uteshenie-säätiö, Petroskoi, hankkeen pääkumppani rahoittajiin päin
Karjalan tasavallan sosiaali- ja terveysministeriö, Petroskoi
Pohjois-Karjalan Sosiaaliturvayhdistys ry, Joensuu
Karelia-ammattikorkeakoulu, Joensuu
Opettajien koulutusinstituutti, Petroskoi
Filantropia ry, Helsinki

Hankkeen tuotoksia englanniksi / Outputs of the project in English


Courses for volunteers in Ellinkulma

Low threshold approaches and services in Finland

Low threshold approaches and services in Finland_PPT

Community resource center

Community resource centre_PPT

Immigrant centre Silta

Immigrant centre Silta_PPT

Low threshold activities for the elderly immigrants in Silta

Safe life for the elderly

Safe life for the elderly_PPT

Description of different kind of survey instruments used in Finland

Description of different kind of survey instruments used in Finland_PPT