Bridget Anderson is Professor of Migration and Citizenship and Deputy Director at the Centre on Migration, Policy and Society (COMPAS), University of Oxford, primarily working on projects in the Citizenship and Belonging, Labour Markets and Welfare clusters. She has a DPhil in Sociology and previous training in Philosophy and Modern Languages. She co-edited the recently published book Migration and Care Labour: Theory, Policy and Politics’ with Isabel Shutes (Palgrave 2014). She is also the author of ‘Us and Them: the Dangerous Politics of Immigration Controls’ (OUP, 2013) and ‘Doing the dirty work? The global politics of domestic labour’ (OUP, 2013). She co-edited ‘Who Needs Migrant Workers? Labour Shortages, Immigration and Public Policy with Martin Ruhs (2010) and ’The Social, Political and Historical Contours of Deportation’ with Matthew Gibney and Emanuela Paoletti (2013). Bridget Anderson is particularly interested in citizenship, nationalism, immigration enforcement (including ‘trafficking’), and low waged labour, migration and the state. She has worked closely with migrants’ organisations, trades unions and legal practitioners at local, national and international level. Her current projects include: Early Legal Advice for Protection Applicants, Tried and Trusted? A project on Assisted Voluntary Return, and Insiders and Outsiders: barriers to EU Citizenship.
Sirpa Wrede is a University Lecturer in Sociology at the University of Helsinki.Her research fields include: Globalisation and work and occupations, inequalities in working life, welfare state and diversity, theories on professionalism and citizenship, Sociology of health and health care. Her publications include for example: Vieraita työssä: Työelämän etnistyvä eriarvoisuus (Sirpa Wrede&Camilla Nordberg 2010) and Care work in crisis: reclaiming the Nordic ethos of care (Lund 2008). Wrede is the Principal Investigator of the Academy of Finland funded project The Shaping of Occupational Subjectivities of Migrant Care Workers: A Multi-Sited Analysis of Glocalising Elderly Care. (2010-2015). Glocalising Care Work examines how migrant care workers (foreign-born personnel with migrant background) become incorporated in elderly care work and its divisions of labour.
Nathan Lillie is a University Lecturer in Social and Public Policy at the University Jyväskylä, Finland. Prior to coming to Jyväskylä, he was an Associate Professor at the Department of Global Economics and Management at the University of Groningen in the Netherlands, and before that a Research Fellow at the Helsinki Collegium. He earned his PhD from the Cornell School of Industrial and Labor Relations in 2003, and holds a docentship from the University of Helsinki, Department of Political Science. Dr. Lillie has done extensive interview-based industrial relations research in international settings, beginning with his PhD thesis work on the International Transport Workers Federation’s campaign to bargain for seafarers on Flag of Convenience shipping. More recently he has turned to researching the issue of labour migration and posted work in Europe. He and his research team of six graduate student and post-doctoral researchers are interviewing migrant ‘posted workers’, shop stewards, works councilors, trade union representatives, and managers in six European countries, under the auspices of the ERC funded project ‘Transnational Work and the Evolution of Sovereignty,’ and the Academy of Finland funded project ‘Industrial Citizenship and Labour Mobility in the EU’. Dr. Lillie’s work has appeared in journals such a British Journal of Industrial Relations, Politics and Society (with Ian Greer), International Studies Quarterly, Work, Employment and Society (with Markku Sippola), and Journal of Common Market Studies (with Ines Wagner).
Elina Aaltio is a researcher at the Association of Finnish Local and Regional Authorities. Aaltio develops instruments indicators for assessing the effectiveness of employment services and child welfare. In addition, Aaltio is doing her doctoral dissertation at the faculty of Social Science at the University of Helsinki. The research deals with the causes and effects of productivity measurement in Finnish social policy. Aaltio is interested in the structures and processes of well-being as well as the ways in which they are affected (for instance) by the economic policies and different economic stances. In 2013 Aaltio published a book called Hyvinvoinnin uusi järjestys (Gaudeamus).
Markus Jäntti is Professor of Economics at the Swedish Institute for Social Research, Stockholm University. His research centers on income and wealth inequality and poverty and socio-economic mobility, especially in a cross-national perspective. He is currently focusing on the importance of family background in the distribution of economic resources. His books include for example From Parents to Children: The Intergenerational Transmission of Advantage (eds. John Ermisch, Markus Jäntti & Timothy M. Smeeding 2012) and Income Inequality. Economic Disparities and the Middle Class in Affluent Countries (eds. Janet C. Gornick & Markus Jäntti 2013).
Riitta Särkelä is the director of SOSTE , the Finnish Society for Social and Health. SOSTE is a new national umbrella organisation that gathers together more than 170 social and health NGO’s and dozens of other partner members.